Founder of Taylored Nutrition, Registered Nutritionist, Master’s in Personalised (Genetic) Nutrition (BSc, MSc, ANutr)

Are you tired of repeating the same one-size-fits all diets, only to find yourself back at square one every time?

My approach is grounded in the belief that personalised nutrition is the key to achieving optimal health and wellness.

I work closely with my clients to develop customised nutrition plans based on their unique genetic makeup and lifestyle needs.

I completed my BSc (Hons) in Nutrition but soon after graduating, I recognised the need to move away from a one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition and instead focus on personalised strategies.

This realisation led me to delve deeper into the science and I received a Distinction in Nutrition and Genetics (MSc) at London University, St Mary’s.

With my own little one, I also know personally how much life can change (in basically every way!) once you become a mum.

Balancing the needs of your little bundle(s) of joy while taking care of your own wellbeing can be pretty overwhelming. That's where I come in! As I specialise in personalised nutrition, I can tailor my expertise to meet the distinct needs of you and your family. My approach isn't just about diets; it's about creating sustainable, nourishing lifestyles that embrace the JOY of food.

Education & Credentials

  • BSc (Hons) in Human Nutrition

  • Distinction in Nutrition and Genetics (MSc) at St Mary’s, Twickenham

  • Registered Nutritionist with the Association for Nutrition (the only UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists recognised by Public Health England and the NHS)

  • On the scientific advisory board of several nutrition companies

  • Founder of Taylored Nutrition

How I discovered the power of nutrition in my own health

At just age 15, my hair was falling out in clumps. I had extreme fatigue, so much so that I couldn’t even get out of bed sometimes and extreme dizzy spells. I was five years into following a somewhat unbalanced vegetarian diet but didn’t connect the dots that I was missing some pretty crucial nutrients..

The doctor subsequently diagnosed anaemia - I realised my diet of mostly white carbs and inadequate vegetables wasn’t supporting my health, who knew?!

I took my diet into my own hands, incorporating whole nutrient-dense foods and was shocked at the almost overnight transformation in my vitality and energy. 

Around this time, I was also diagnosed with PCOS and told that it may be very difficult for me to naturally conceive. Through lifestyle modification, I was able to bring my periods back to normal and became pregnant last year with no issues at all.

This is why I truly believe in the power of nutrition.