How Food Influences Gene Expression

“I’m cursed with bad genes.”

I hear this often from people who feel trapped by their genetics, convinced that their fate is sealed due to baldness, weight gain, an autoimmune condition or other health challenges.

And sure, our genes do influence our health (and so much more).

But let me assure you—our genes are NOT our fate.

Although we can’t change the genes we’re born with, we CAN impact how those genes are expressed by our lifestyle choices, particularly the foods we eat.

To illustrate how this works, imagine your genes as keys on a beautiful Steinway Grand Piano. The keys on a piano can’t make music on their own; you need a pianist to play them.

Likewise, your genes need a “player” for them to influence your health. That’s where food enters the picture.

Breakthrough research shows that the foods you eat can turn genes off or on (what scientists call epigenetic modification).

When you eat the right foods, your genes create a beautiful melody full of radiant health and vitality. You sing and soar!

But eating the wrong foods is like asking an elephant to play the piano: it’s not going to sound good and probably won’t end well.

The choice is ours.

As a Registered Nutritionist with a Master’s degree in Nutrigenetics, I’ve spent years studying how food interacts with our genetic makeup.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of DNA reports, delving deep into the science of how what we eat can significantly influence our health at the genetic level.

It’s empowering to know that our dietary choices can have a massive impact on how we function, right down to our cells - don’t you think?

Through my extensive experience and research, I've seen firsthand how personalised nutrition can transform lives.

Whether it’s preventing chronic disease, managing weight, or optimising overall well-being, the food we eat plays a crucial role in determining the outcome.

So, don’t be discouraged by the belief that your genes are holding you back.

That just simply isn’t the case!

Ready to find out more about genetic testing and how it could help you? Book a 15-minute call with me here.


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