What is Functional Testing and how can it help me?

"Normal" Isn’t Optimal

Many individuals who feel “unwell” often receive “normal” results on standard blood tests. I hear this all the time.

However, feeling "normal" is not the same as feeling truly well, and it’s far from being functionally optimal. This disconnect can lead to a frustrating and lonely journey in identifying the root cause of your health issues.

Traditional testing, such as those provided by the NHS, may not be as comprehensive as the advanced functional tests available from providers such as us.

Unlock Your Health Potential with Functional Testing

Functional testing allows us to pinpoint biochemical imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, or hidden pathogens that might be at the heart of your sub-optimal health or chronic conditions.

We utilise cutting-edge diagnostic tools to uncover the specific dysfunctions within your body. While the disease label might be common among many, the underlying cause of that disease is unique to each individual.

Tailored Testing for Personalised Health Insights

Our personalised testing options, which may include blood, saliva, stool, or urine analysis, provide a deep understanding of your body's needs.

Based on the results, I will create a customised plan tailored to your specific health requirements. This plan will include targeted therapeutic foods, natural supplements and lifestyle changes designed to restore your body’s balance and get you feeling GREAT again.

Experience True Wellness Naturally

As we work towards achieving better balance, your body’s innate ability to heal and reverse disease can be activated, helping you experience a higher quality of life naturally.


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